Sunday, January 17, 2010

Five Point Someone writing about Five Point Someone

Wow! I’m finally writing and it has taken me some time to come up with something to write about. Out of all the varied topics that I could find in my everyday life by just having a glance around, I choose to write about a book. A book that was in hibernation at my place for more than a year, Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat. I can say it was very cheap of me to buy this book from a roadside stall which sold it for a meagre price of just Rs. 60/-, I personally think this is a steal but I just hope Mr. Chetan Bhagat doesn’t get to read this. Obviously it would feel bad to know that his book, which is one of the highest selling English novels in India and which now is made into a motion picture is being sold so cheaply on the roads. But honestly who cares, not me. Now this is not a book report but I’m just talking about what I felt while reading this book.
I remember the exact date when I bought it, November 20th 2008. Yes, the year was 2008 and I read it on a lazy Sunday in January 2010. Not that I remember the dates of each and every book I buy, but this happened to be a very eventful day in my life. We’re obviously not venturing onto those shores this time around, maybe some other time or better yet, never. As I mentioned, this book was in hibernation and finally reading this book seems like an accomplishment in itself. Having it around for such a long time always had my thoughts drifting to the idea of just reading the book and getting it over with. But reading it now brought with it a sense of reminiscing. I started early in the morning, ok I understand that getting up at 11 am and starting at 12 doesn’t qualify for being quite early but like I said, who cares! By late afternoon I was reciting to my roommate all the times I was screwed up royally in college. Times like the ones when I was caught along with my classmates playing Holi, not to forget I was drunk in college that day. All the times the book made a mention of Vodka, I thought of all the times I was drunk and attending lectures. Being blamed for no reason by the professors, IDs being confiscated all the time and apologizing like an umpteen times to get those back. Stupid reasons like just smiling in class can you get you out of the class. Those were the best times nonetheless. As we all know the book talks about friendship and most importantly how to enjoy ones college life. We can obviously ignore all the times that we thought of our future and had our moments of serious contemplation. But this book was a treat to read. I do not remember when was the last time I spent a whole day glued to a book and smiling as I was at it. Just made me remember all my friends and how all those insane moments even now bring the broadest of the smiles on my face.
I obviously am not qualified enough to talk about the book in general as to how well it has been written, how the writer has brought something fresh to the readers, something appealing and all that jazz. But one thing I can comment is that I personally found it entertaining and humorous. Who wouldn’t find it funny to read about a guy screwing his Principals’ daughter in the broad daylight and then raiding his office in the night. But more than that it was all the memories this book reminded me of that scored with me. I certainly would suggest this book as a good read to anyone who is anyone. A must read for all to enjoy and have a time of flashback of their college life.